A downloadable game

Made by 4 student-devs, Terminal is a PC text-adventure style visual-novel that touches on the portuguese concept of "saudade" - the emotions felt when you miss something/someone

The game was conceived to be played out as a conversation between you, the player, with your own thoughts and worries, and the Terminal - an AI entity from beyond your physical universe, currently stuck in its digital domain, reminiscing about the time where it's universe was 'alive'.

It was made in less than a week for an academic project in late 2023, and it was meant to be a short auto-reflective experience of around 15 minutes.

It is on its earliest prototype phase and still has some known bugs, including text getting out of the screen and sometimes snipets of the conversation appearing out of order.

Story Writter  -> Vasco Alves  https://vascoal00.itch.io
Artist -> Nuno Coelho https://lionhheartedd.artstation.com/
Sound Designer -> Tales Colpo https://www.linkedin.com/in/tales-colpo/
Programmer -> Bernardo Soares https://voidnullobject.itch.io



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